谢静静,硕士研究生导师,2015年获福州大学生物化工博士学位,同年应聘为厦门大学药学院助理教授;长期从事生物纳米技术、药物靶向传递系统设计、功能化纳米载体的安全性、有效性及作用机制研究,近年来侧重于多肽蛋白类药物在癌症精准诊治及炎症治疗中的基础应用研究。目前已在Adv. Funct. Mater、Theranostics、J Control Release、Biotechnol Adv、Chem Mater、Cancer lett、Chem Eng J 、ACS AMI、J Nanobiotechnol等国际权威期刊上累计发表SCI论文30多篇,其中一作或/兼通讯作者论文17篇;授权发明专利3项。曾荣获福建省优秀博士学位论文奖、福建省自然科学优秀学术论文奖、福建省高层次人才C类、福建省科学技术奖(第三位)等荣誉。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,福建省自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,厦门大学校级项目等合计7项,作为学术骨干参与国家自然基金面上项目多项。担任Chem Eng J、ACS AMI、Int J Nanomed、Int J Pharmaceut等学术期刊的审稿人。
1. 大孔硅基功能载体改造及药物递送应用研究。
2. 功能树状大分子载体精准诊治癌症的基础应用研究。
3. 功能载体的安全性评价及生物学效应机制研究。
1. Boning Niu; Yuehuang Wu; Min Zhou; Ruimiao Lin; Pengjin Ge; Xiaohui Chen; Hu Zhou*; Xiaokun Zhang; Jingjing Xie* ; Precise delivery of celastrol by PEGylated aptamer dendrimer nanoconjugates for enormous therapeutic effect via superior intratumor penetration over antibody counterparts, Cancer Letters, 2023, 579: 216461. (Corresponding author)
2. Yuehuang Wu; Min Zhou; Ruimiao Lin; Lixue Yu; Xiaokun Zhang; Jingjing Xie*; AcidResponsive Macroporous Silica Nanoparticles for Bcl-2-Functional-Converting Peptide Release and Synergism with Celastrol for Enhanced Therapy against Resistant Cancer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 30427-30442. (Corresponding author)
3. Kai Fan; Lixue Yu; Yuehuang Wu; Lan Zheng; Xiuqin Yang; Jingwei Lin; Mengyuan Wang; Yingyue Ye; Ruimiao Lin; Quancheng Chen; Zeyu Liu; Yuhua Xue*; Jingjing Xie*; Cheng Li* ; Clickable corneal neovascularization therapy with ROS-responsive polydopamine silica nanoparticles loaded with fenofibrate, Materials & Design, 2023, 235: 112412. (Co-Corresponding author)
4.Jingjing Xie∗, Weixia Xu, Yuehuang Wu, Boning Niu, Xiaokun Zhang∗. Macroporous organosilicon nanocomposites co-deliver Bcl2-converting peptide and chemotherapeutic agent for synergistic treatment against multidrug resistant cancer. Cancer Letters 469 (2020) 340–354. (First and co-Corresponding author)
5. Pengjin Ge, Boning Niu, Yuehuang Wu, Weixia Xu, Mingyu Li, Huisong Sun, Hu Zhou, Xiaokun Zhang*, Jingjing Xie*. Enhanced cancer therapy of celastrol in vitro and in vivo by smart dendrimers
delivery with specificity and biosafety. Chemical Engineering Journal 383 (2020) 123228. (Corresponding author)
6. Yuehuang Wu, Pengjin Ge, Weixia Xu, Mingyu Li, Qi Kang, Xiaokun Zhang, Jingjing Xie*. Cancer-targeted and intracellular delivery of Bcl-2-converting peptide with functional macroporous silica nanoparticles for biosafe treatment. Materials Science & Engineering C108 (2020) 110386. (Corresponding author)
7. Xu, W.; Gao, X.; Ge, P.; Jiang, F.; Zhang, X.;Xie, J*. Dendrimer-like mesoporous silica nanospheres with suitable surface functionality to combat the multidrug resistance. Int J Pharm2018, 553, 349-362. (Corresponding author)
8. Xu, W.; Ge, P.; Niu, B.; Zhang, X.; Liu, J.; Xie, J*. Macroporous silica nanoparticles for delivering Bcl2-function converting peptide to treat multidrug resistant-cancer cells. J Colloid Interface Sci2018, 527, 141-150. (Corresponding author)
9. Dong, H.; Han, L.; Wang, J.;Xie, J.; Gao, Y.; Xie, F.; Jia, L. In vivo inhibition of circulating tumor cells by two apoptosis-promoting circular aptamers with enhanced specificity. J Control Release2018, 280, 99-112.
10. Dong, H. Y.; Han, L. Y.; Wu, Z. S.; Zhang, T.; Xie, J. J.; Ma, J.; Wang, J.; Li, T.; Gao, Y.; Shan, J. W.; Sinko, P. J.; Jia, L. Biostable Aptamer Rings Conjugated for Targeting Two Biomarkers on Circulating Tumor Cells in Vivo with Great Precision. Chem Mater2017, 29, 10312-10325.
11. Xie, J. J.; Lu, Y. S.; Dong, H. Y.; Zhao, R. L.; Chen, H. N.; Shen, W. Y.; Sinko, P. J.; Zhu, Y. W.; Wang, J. C.; Shao, J. W.; Gao, Y.; Xie, F. W.; Jia, L. Enhanced Specificity in Capturing and Restraining Circulating Tumor Cells with Dual Antibody-Dendrimer Conjugates. Adv Funct Mater2015, 25, 1304-1313. (First author)
12. Xie, J.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, R.; Sinko, P. J.; Gu, S.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Lu, Y.; Yu, S.; Wang, L.; Chen, S.; Shao, J.; Jia, L. Ex vivo and in vivo capture and deactivation of circulating tumor cells by dual-antibody-coated nanomaterials. J Control Release 2015, 209, 159-69. (First author)
13. Xie, J.; Dong, H.; Chen, H.; Zhao, R.; Sinko, P. J.; Shen, W.; Wang, J.; Lu, Y.; Yang, X.; Xie, F.; Jia, L. Exploring cancer metastasis prevention strategy: interrupting adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelia of potential metastatic tissues by antibody-coated nanomaterial. J Nanobiotechnol 2015, 13, 9. (First author)
14. Xie, J.; Zhao, R.; Gu, S.; Dong, H.; Wang, J.; Lu, Y.; Sinko, P. J.; Yu, T.; Xie, F.; Wang, L.; Shao, J.; Jia, L. The architecture and biological function of dual antibody-coated dendrimers: enhanced control of circulating tumor cells and their hetero-adhesion to endothelial cells for metastasis prevention. Theranostics2014, 4, 1250-63. (First author)
15. Gao, Y.#; Xie, J.#; Chen, H.; Gu, S.; Zhao, R.; Shao, J.; Jia, L. Nanotechnology-based intelligent drug design for cancer metastasis treatment. Biotechnol Adv2014, 32, 761-77. (Co-First author)