


  目:  Disease risk assessment incorporating personal genome sequences

报告人: Rong Chen, Ph.D


  间: 2010年8月11 上午930

  点: 卢嘉锡楼 202报告厅



报告人:Rong Chen博士简介:

    Rong Chen博士 先后在中国科技大学、中科院上海有机所获化学物理学学士和分析化学硕士学位,后在美国新泽西大学学习博士课程,并获得波士顿大学生物信息学博士学位。自2003年起Rong Chen博士在国际著名的生物信息服务公司Accelrys Amgen 从事研究工作,2006年起任Quest Diagnostics首席软件工程师,2005年至今在斯坦福大学从事科研工作。

    Rong Chen博士在Lancet, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS等国际知名杂志上发表了30多篇学术论文,并在诊断学方法和生物标记方面获得了多项专利,由他开发的ZDOCK软件在全球范围内应用于蛋白质-蛋白质的相互作用研究,研究成果备受关注,众多国外媒体争相报道,像MIT Technology review, National Public Radio, BBC News, Bloomberg Businessweek, Science Daily Genome Technology都有做过专门的报道。



With the advance of sequencing technologies, personal genome sequence has become a commodity with about $4,000 per genome. The genome sequences of more than 180 healthy Caucasian, African, Chinese, and Japanese from the 1000 genome project have been deposited into public repositories. Thousands of personal genome sequences will be deposited into medical records, and patients will come with his/her personal genome sequence and ask for medical advice. I will share my experience on how to analyze a personal genome sequence, assess his genetic risks of developing 55 diseases, identify his increased risk for heart attack, type 2 diabetes, and some cancer, and give a prescription for personal environmental intervention. I will also discuss the genetic risk difference among different populations on 27 common diseases.