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Changliang Ren | Angewandte Chemie-International Edition: Concentration-Driven Evolution of Adaptive Artificial Ion Channels or Nanopores with Specific Anticancer Activities

药学院英文网站   发布时间: 2024-03-05   信息员:    浏览次数: 10

Changliang Ren | Angewandte Chemie-International Edition: Concentration-Driven Evolution of Adaptive Artificial Ion Channels or Nanopores with Specific Anticancer Activities


In nature, ceramides are a class of sphingolipids possessing a unique ability to self-assemble into protein-permeable channels with intriguing concentration-dependent adaptive channel cavities. However, within the realm of artificial ion channels, this interesting phenomenon is scarcely recaptured. Herein, we report on a novel class of adaptive artificial channels, Pn-TPPs, based on PEGylated cholic acids bearing triphenylphosphonium (TPP) groups as anion binding motifs. Interestingly, the molecules self-assemble into chloride ion channels at low concentrations, while transforming into small molecule-permeable nanopores at high concentrations. Moreover, the TPP groups endow the molecules with mitochondria-targeting property, enabling them to selectively drill holes on the mitochondrial membrane of cancer cells and subsequently trigger the caspase 9 apoptotic pathway. The anticancer efficacies of Pn-TPPs correlate with their abilities to form nanopores. Significantly, the most active ensembles formed by P5-TPP exhibits impressive anticancer activity against human liver cancer cells, with an IC50 value of 3.8 μM. While demonstrating similar anticancer performance to doxorubicin, P5-TPP exhibits a selectivity index surpassing that of doxorubicin by a factor of 16.8.


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