4月11-12日,应我院曾骥孟教授的邀请,台湾光鼎生物科技有限公司(BiOptic Inc)谢秉融工程师到我院进行毛细管电泳技术交流,以及介绍现代全自动化毛细管电泳仪(Qsep100)的应用及优越性,给我院汇报了一场精彩的学术报告-A best life science partner, Capillary Electrophoresis, for nucleic acid analysis。报告结束后,同学们纷纷就自己相关实验问题向谢工程师请教,整个报告会场气氛活跃。谢工程师这次到来,不仅让我们深入了解了电泳技术的发展、毛细管电泳技术的应用和优点,更重要的是,将毛细管电泳技术带进大家的实验设计,毛细管电泳技术是核酸分析中的一项重要技术。
附:全自动化毛细管电泳仪Qsep100 DNA analyzer 介绍
Qsep100 DNA Analyzer-welcome to the future, biologists!
In human history, Industrial revolution and digital revolution had improved the quality of our life greatly. And now we’re introducing a system that will bring a revolution of molecular biology research. Time to say goodbye to the technique we have used since 1950s.
Capillary gel electrophoresis is a huge improvement in molecular separation. Qsep100 is the next generation of DNA analyzer with high resolution, fully automated function and very low cost, user can finish your analyze by only few clicks. No more time-consuming and loading-intensive operation is needed and the stability can be improved with lower human error.
Q-Analyzer is our bundled software. User can easily control Qsep100 with Q-Analyzer and the data processing function is also pretty convenient for any kinds of analysis. The all-in-one capillary gel electrophoresis DNA analyze system can also provide functions such as base pair calculation and data comparison which can almost replace traditional gel electrophoresis system.
We’ll be proud to bring our Qsep100 DNA analyzer to you